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How does the Pirani Demo experience work?

Now, you can learn and explore all of Pirani's functionalities in the new Demo experience, an experimental space to discover how simple it is to manage risks in specialized software.

At Pirani, we work to simplify risk management for everyone; that's why we have created the new Demo experience, a simulation space for you to explore all of Pirani's functionalities and learn how to manage risks appropriately. 

This section is available from the Free Plan.

How to enter the Demo?
To enter the Demo, go to the organization you have in Pirani. It is located in the bottom left at the end of all sections; the "Explore the demo" button is clicked and ready. You are already inside the Demo to explore all the features of Pirani as an Enterprise plan. 

The Demo works as a section inside the tool, so in this tutorial, I will tell you what features you can enjoy, how you can access them, and what points you should consider to use it properly. 

What can I do in the Demo?

The Demo is a space that will allow you to use many features to experiment and discover how simple it is to manage risks in Pirani. In the Demo, you can enjoy all our management systems: Compliance (Regulatory Risks), ORM (Operational Risks), ISMS (Information Security Risks), AML (Anti-Money Laundering Risks), and Audit Management; in each of these systems, you can:

In addition, if you have chosen one of the Compliance, ISMS, or AML management systems, you will be able to have the risk factor modules according to each management system:

If you have chosen audit management, you will be able to :

  • Register processes
  • Create audit programs
  • Generate audit plans
  • Analyze reports 

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You can also configure the tool according to your needs in the transversal and management system parameterization sections. In addition, you will have the export and import of registers at your disposal.

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Important: You will only have 100 registers, and if you are in the Free plan, these will be registers apart from those offered by the plan.

What should I keep in mind?

It is a section of the tool: Because of that, what you do inside it will be shared in the demo with all your organization's users. So, if you want to invite a teammate to view and participate in the Demo experiments, you must add them as a user in your organization.

Because the Demo is a section, when you are inside the demo experience, you cannot count on the "Organization" section since everything you do in your primary organization will be seen inside this experience.

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Downloadable reports with watermark: All reports you download in this Demo experience cannot be customized with the organization's logo and will have a Pirani watermark on all versions.
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It is an experimental space: The Demo is a simulation, so everything you do inside this space will not affect your registers and progress in your primary organization, so you can create everything you consider necessary. Because it is a space to experiment, Pirani will remove these registers periodically to promote experimentation of all the tool's functionalities. 

How do you exit the Demo experience? 

To exit the Demo experience and return to the organization, you have two ways:
1: Go to the left side under all the sections and click the "Exit Demo" button, and you're done!
2: At the top, under the main bar, click on the text "Exit the Demo"

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