How does the action plan module work?

Action plans are a series of tasks whose purpose is to take actions that help reduce an organization's exposure to risk or correct situations generated by events.


With our action plan module you can create plans that have tasks assigned to specific people, a start or end date and a status to help you understand what stage of progress you are in.

How to create an action plan?

In the Pirani sidebar you will find the "Action plans" section where you will find the "Create action plan" button, by clicking on it you will be able to view the dashboard to register your action plan.Captura de Pantalla 2023-01-17 a la(s) 8.52.11 a. m.

How to register general information?

On the upper left side of the dashboard you will find the "General information" section, in this section there are five mandatory fields that you must fill in as the plan administrator:

Name: assign a name to the action plan to quickly identify it.
Description: write all the details that are intended to be achieved with this action plan.
Start date / End date: define how long you think it will take to implement this plan.
Responsible for the action plan: select the person who will be in charge of executing the actions.

In addition to these fields, you may attach documentation to help evidence the record.

Important: the person responsible for the action plan that you designate will receive an email indicating that the plan is available and can be executed. When this person enters Pirani, he/she will only be able to view the "My management" tab, where the actions to be implemented are located.

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How to add activities to the plan?

In the second section you will find "Plan activities" where both you and the person responsible for the plan can add, edit and follow up all the activities that you consider necessary for the execution of the plan. 

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When you finish posting an action you will have three options on the right side: comment, attach and delete. If you wish to write a comment on a specific action, you can click on the dialog button and it will appear just below, you can also attach files by clicking on the paper clip button, and finally you have the option to delete any action with the trash can icon.

As you add and complete activities, a progress bar will be displayed at the top of the dashboard to make it easier to see the progress of the activities.

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How to make associations?

As in the other Pirani modules, you can associate processes, risks, controls and events. To associate processes you must click on the "Add" button and for risks, controls and events you can do it by entering the elements you want to associate in the search engine.

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How to associate executors? ⚡

With this section you will be able to add all the members of your organization that will be developing the activities of the action plan. 

To associate performers go to the section of the same name, click on the "magnifying glass" icon and select the members who will be performing the plan, then click on "Create".

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How do the plan states work?

Action plans can be found in three statuses: "In execution," "In review," and "Completed."
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In execution: When a plan is manually created in the application, it is automatically in the "In execution" state, allowing the development and editing of plan activities as needed.

In Review: This status currently has a specific flow to validate activities, but can be used to identify the status of the plan.
Note: To change the status to "In Review," two conditions must be met: all plan activities must be completed, and the user making the change must be the plan creator and/or responsible for the plan. If both conditions are not met, the save button will be disabled.

Finished: When the plan status is changed to "Completed," its completion status (On Time or Overdue) is registered. This status remains unchanged until the plan end date is edited. The expiration status of the plan activities is also registered, whether they are completed or not. If they are not finalized, their status (On time or Expired) is taken into account when finalizing the plan.

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In bulk upload, it is possible to upload the expiration status of plans and their activities. For the plan, the uploaded status is applied only if the plan is "Finished"; otherwise, it is calculated based on the upload and expiration dates. For activities, the expiration status is reflected only if they are resolved. Otherwise, the current status based on the upload and expiration dates is used, and if no date is assigned, it is considered "On Time" when the plan is resolved or finalized.

The "Under Review" status can be uploaded via bulk upload, but all activities must be resolved.

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How to control due dates?

There are three indicators that work like a traffic light to monitor due dates.
Orange: alerts you that the date is about to expire. 
Red: will alert you that the expiration date has passed

Only the administrator can change the due date.

How to view the history of the action plan?

All changes within the actions are logged and can be viewed at the bottom of the "Overview".

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Who will be able to see it?

The creator of the action plan, the person in charge, the implementers and the core group (which is made up of several people in the organization).

Visibility of data ⚡

Now not only the person with the administrator role will be able to create an action plan, but any member of the organization who has access to the tool will be able to create it.


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