How does the cause and consequence section work?

The causes and consequences help us to have a deeper management of the risks that exist, being able to trace their origin and the effect they would have within the organization.

Now in Pirani causes and consequences will have a specialized section, where you will be able to create and manage your cause and consequence registers, associate them to risks and assign them a responsible to supervise in one place.

→ Remember that this module is available for ORM, AML and Compliance management systems.

How to create a cause and consequence?

Go to the left menu and go to the "Causes and consequences" section, then click on the "Create cause and consequence" button. There you will see a box where you must enter a name and choose whether you are going to create a cause or consequence.

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If it is a cause: You must choose the category that indicates the origin of the risk. It can be due to: process, infrastructure, technology, external factor or human resources. 

If it is a consequence: You must choose the category that indicates how the risk will affect you. It can be: legal, economic, reputational or operational.

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Then you must write a description for your cause and consequence, and finally you must click on the "Create" button to save it.

How to associate a cause and/or consequence to a risk?

You will be able to associate the cause or consequence you are creating with one or several risks. To do this, inside the create or edit box go to the left side to the "risks" section and click on the "associate" button, there you will find a list with all the risks that you have registered and you can choose one or more risks that are linked to the cause and consequence.
To make the association you must click on the "+" icon on the right side of the risk to be selected.

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How to associate a responsible person?

To associate a person responsible for supervising the cause or consequence, go to the left side of the "create" box and click on the "associate" button, there you will see the list of groups responsible for the cause or consequence created or create a new group. In this section you can search for the registers with the search engine or choose from the options available in the module.
To make the association you must click on the "+" icon on the right side of the register to be selected.

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How to associate a cause and/or consequence to a control?

To associate a cause or consequence to a control, you must first have a cause and consequence created and associated to a risk, then have a control associated to the risk mentioned above. After having the previous creations and associations, go to the "Controls" section and select the control to which you want to associate the cause or consequence of the risk. Then select the causes and consequences option and click on the "Associate" button, there you will find the causes and consequences that impact the risk to which the control is linked and which you could associate to the control. To associate effectively, you must click on the "+" icon of the cause or consequence of interest.

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How to associate a cause and/or consequence to an event?

To associate a cause or consequence to an event, you must first have a cause and consequence created and associated to a risk, then have an event associated to the risk mentioned above. After having the above creations and associations, go to the "Events" section and select the event to which you wish to associate the cause or consequence of the risk. Then select the causes and consequences option and click on the "Associate" button, there you will find the causes and consequences that impact the risk to which the event is linked. To effectively associate, you must click on the "+" icon of the cause or consequence of interest.

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How to disassociate a cause and/or consequence?

If you consider that it is no longer necessary to have a cause or consequence associated to a particular risk, you can disassociate it in two ways.

1: Go to the risks section, choose the risk of interest and click on the "Causes and consequences" option, now click on the "X" icon that appears at the bottom right of the register to be eliminated. With this action you will not be eliminating the cause or consequence in other risks but only in the one you have selected.

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2: Go to the "Causes and consequences" section, choose the cause or consequence of interest and click on the "risks" option, now click on the "X" icon that appears at the bottom right of the register to be eliminated. With this action you will be eliminating the association between the cause and the risk.

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How to edit a cause and/or consequence?

Go to the "cause and consequences" section, choose the cause or consequence you want to edit and click on the "see more" button, here you will see the form so you can edit any of the fields.

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Remember that after editing the necessary fields you must click on "Save changes" for the edition to be successful.

How to delete a cause and/or consequence?

If you no longer wish to have the register you can delete it by clicking on the cause or consequence and a trash can icon will appear on the right side before clicking on it, remember that it will be removed from all the risks it is associated with. If you are sure, click on the delete button. 

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Create your causes and consequences