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How does the compliance module work? (Compliance)

In this module you will be able to add any type of internal or external rule that affects the organization.

How to create a Compliance obligations?

Click on the "compliance obligations" module and go to the "Create " button, a form will appear in which you must fill in the following required fields:

Name: Assign a name to the rule.
Criticality of the rule: Where it can be low, medium or high
Implementation date: Determine when the standard must be implemented.
Normative origin: If it is internal or external
Standard leader: Assigns the person in charge of supervising compliance with the standard.

Within the same "General information" section you will find these fields, which are not mandatory:
Description: To give more detail about the standard.
Attach evidence: You can put all the documents that help to have evidence of the standard.
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How to implement the clauses of the standard?
Register the numbers that make up the standard by clicking on the "Add" button, here you will get a pop-up window where you will be asked for the following mandatory information:

Name: What is the name of the clause
Responsible for the numeral: Select the person responsible for executing the numeral.
Description: Complement the information of the numeral
Then click on the green button " ✓ ".
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To add requirements click on the green option "View requirements" and then click on "Add requirements".
Compliance requirements: Record all the requirements that need to be fulfilled to implement the standard by clicking on the button at the top "Add Requirement".

Here you will be able to make comments per requirement, attach documentation, associate controls or delete it and assign a due date. As you comply with the requirements you will be able to check it and the status of the number of the standard will change from "to be implemented" to "management" and finally to "implemented".
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How to implement the numerals of the standard?

Register the numbers that make up the standard by clicking on the "Add" button, here you will get a pop-up window where you will be asked for the following mandatory information:
Name: What is the name of the numeral
Responsible for the numeral: Select the person responsible for executing the numeral.

And you will also be able to add as a non-mandatory field:
Compliance requirements: Register all the requirements that need to be fulfilled to implement the standard by clicking on the "+" button. 

Here you can make comments per requirement, attach documentation, associate controls or delete it. As you comply with the requirements you can check them and the status of the number of the standard will change from "to be implemented" to "management" and finally to "implemented".

How to create associations?

Go to the module of your interest, select the entity you are going to associate and click on the "see more" option. Now within the incident you will see a list of the records that are already associated, and you will also find a single "associate" button. 
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Click on the "associate" button, there you will see the list of records in the module you are in. In this section you can search for records with the search engine or choose from the options that the module has.
⚡ To make the association effectively you must click on the right side of the record to be selected on the "+" icon.
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When you finish the registration of your rule you can save it by clicking on "Create". Once created, you will be able to view it in the main dashboard of the module where you will be able to see the code, name, criticality, percentage of compliance and responsible for the standard.

How can I filter?

You will be able to filter your standards under these three fields:
Date: select the compliance date you want to review.
Responsible: review the standards by responsible
Criticality: filter the standards by criticality level.

Advanced filters: Filter by regulatory origin 

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How to edit the Compliance obligations?

You can enter and edit the rule at any time, just click on it and the "See more" button will appear on the right side, when you click on it you will be able to see all the details and make the modifications you consider necessary.
Finally, click on the "Save" button and your changes will be registered.

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How to delete a Compliance obligations?

If you consider that you no longer need a rule, you can delete it by clicking on it and you will see the trash can icon on the right side. Remember that if you delete it you will not be able to recover the information and the associations will be lost. If you agree, click on "Delete".

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