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How to parameterize the controls?

In the following guide we tell you how you can parameterize the controls you are going to create in the Freemium version of our Pirani software.

If you have administrator role in Pirani you will be able to adjust the control system according to your needs, this functionality is transversal for all management systems.

→ Remember that this functionality will be available in the starter plan.

How to access the parameterization of controls?

What's new: Now, in any of our four management systems you will find in Pirani's top bar the "Parameterize" gear icon, when you click on it you will get two sections: Transversal and ORM, ISMS, AML or Compliance (depending on the management system you are in). 

Go to the Transversal section and choose the "Controls" option. 

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1. You can select the Edit Parameters button to assign the Design and Execution weights. To do this you must move the button along the bar to the weight you want, this will depend on the methodology used in your organization.

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2. After defining the weights of the Design and Execution variables that your controls will have, in the bar at the bottom of the screen click on Next. When you are in the Design Variables tab you will see some variables predetermined by the system.

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Each of these variables has its respective weights and different options, but you can edit them, delete them and create new ones according to your organization's methodology. Keep in mind that the sum of the weights of all the variables must be equal to 100%, it cannot be higher or lower.
To create a new variable click on Create variable, a form will appear in which you must enter the general information and options data.

In General information you must provide these data: 

  • Name
  • Description (optional)
  • Weight in % (must be a positive number between 0 and 100)

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And before clicking on Create you must add in Options at least one option for the variable you are going to create. Here you must include these data:

  • Name
  • Weight (%) that has that option (must be a value between 0 and 100 for each option)
  • Description (optional)

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After filling in the fields, click on Add and you must select the option that will be applied by default to the rating of the controls you have previously created, here you can also add more options for the variable you create.

→ Remember that the sum of the weight of the variables must be equal to 100%, in case it is higher the platform will show you an alert and you will have to edit the weight of the variables or delete one of these. Likewise, if the sum of the weight of the variables is less than 100% the platform will show you a message and you will have to adjust the weight of one or more variables.

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If you are going to delete a variable, keep in mind that by doing so you will lose the configuration you had previously. Likewise, if you delete options from the variables you have created, you must keep in mind that if the option you want to delete is associated with one of the controls, you must replace it with another of the options you have within the variable so that the controls are requalified with this option. Then, click on Save change

- Remember that the weight of the variables must add up to 100.

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3. In the Execution Variables option you will also find some variables predetermined by the system and as in the design variables, the sum of the weights of these variables must be equal to 100%.
In the same way you will be able to create new variables and the different options for each of the variables you create. You can also edit or delete options, always bearing in mind that when doing so you must choose another option within the variable so that if you have controls associated with the option you are going to delete they can be requalified with the new option.

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When you have made your changes, click Save and then click Next to go to the Robustness tab. Here you will be able to parameterize the rating range of the controls (sum between design and execution).

4. In Robustness you will also find some default ranges and you can edit them, delete them and create new ranges.

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To create a new one click on Create range and fill in the requested information:

  • Name
  • Description (if desired).
  • From where to where the range should go (%).
  • Select the color that will identify the range (colors that have already been assigned to other ranges will be disabled).

And click on Captura de Pantalla 2023-01-06 a la(s) 11.00.28 p. m.Keep in mind that the total of ranges you have must cover from 0.00 to 100 and these cannot overlap or be equal to each other, if this happens the system will show you the error for you to correct it.

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You will also be able to delete created ranks, but keep in mind that by doing so you will lose the configuration you had.
And in case you do not have all the ranges covered, the system will also warn you so that you can correct it, even when you give the option Create range it will suggest which ones are missing.

When you finish making the changes in Solidity, click on Save and you will get the following message:
Click Save to confirm and ready, the system will recalculate the controls you had created based on the new information you entered in the parameterization.
In addition, having changed the qualification of the controls you will also see changes in the qualification of the risks and movements in the risk matrix.

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How to create your controls?

When you or a person with an operative role goes to create new controls to mitigate risks in your organization, he/she will be able to see the new variables and options you created in the parameterization (only for Design, only for Execution or for both). And in Robustness you will be able to see the rating of the control according to the ranges you have added.

👀 You can see a more detailed explanation here on how to create your controls.