The report is a key element for monitoring risk management, with it you can analyze and compare the processes, risks, controls and heat maps that you have so far and thus make important decisions.
With our reporting module you will be able to visualize and compare in a short time the organizational risk profile, process risk, control strength and heat map. Below we explain how to manage each type of report in Pirani.
How to access reports?
In the Pirani sidebar you will find the "Reports" section, where you will see the four types of reports: "Heat map", "Organizational risk profile", "Process risk profile" and "Control strength". If you wish to enter a particular report, click on the "See more" button.
Heat Map Report
Here you can see your overall matrix as of today's date and the residual and inherent risks within the quadrants.
What can be filtered?
The date:
At the top left of the heat map you will see a section that allows you to filter to one month, three months, six months, one year or an exact date.
Residual and inherent risk:
You will be able to view your heat map by residual and/or inherent risk by simply checking the one you wish to view.
Risk level:
If you want to see certain levels of risk within your heat map, simply uncheck the ones you do not want to see.
How to view the heat map by risk?
You will be able to see a particular risk by selecting the quadrant where it is located, there you will see the percentage distribution of the risks that are within that quadrant. Also, on the right side you will have the name of those risks that are associated and by clicking on one of them you will be able to see if it has moved to another quadrant.
Finally, in the pop-up box you can see the detail of the risk by clicking on "See detail", you will see the percentage of impact and frequency and if they have associations to processes, controls or responsible.
How to view the heat map by process?
If you want to go deeper into the processes you can go to the section "By processes", here it will show all the macro processes that have related risks, also the risks will be filtered by each of the processes, sub-processes or macro-processes that are managed in the tool.
How to compare with previous heat maps?
Click on the "Switch to comparative heat map" button at the top right of the chart. You will have two heat maps to which you can apply the same filters you had in the general map.
Remember that the date you enter is not a time range, but an exact date.
How to see the details of the comparison?
You will only be able to see the detail of the current heat map, i.e. the one on the left side. By clicking on the quadrant you will be able to see how the risk is currently and how it was on the previous date.
If you wish to see other risk data, you can click on "See details" and the details of the changes that the risk has undergone will appear.
Finally, you will be able to see the totalized summary of the heat map comparison at the bottom, where you will see the summary table for both dates and the comparative summary to see how many risks were created or eliminated in that period.
How to download the heat map report?
Click on the "Download" button, there you can select any of these three formats: PDF, PNG or XLSX.
If you download in PDF you will have the heat map in image, a brief description of the graph and the general data of the report. On the other hand, if you download it in PNG only the image of the heat map will appear and if you want it in XLSX format you will have the written information of the risks and/or processes that are being filtered.
Organizational risk profile
Here you can see the total risks of the organization by levels, this will help you to see if the company has improved over time.
What can be filtered?
The date
Review the accumulated inherent and residual risks for one month, three months, six months, one year or by an exact date.
How to download the organizational risk profile report?
Click on the "Download" button, there you can select in which format you want it (PDF, PNG or XLSX.).
Risk profile by processes
This report will show you the processes that exist within the platform and how they are profiled at the risk level. You will be able to analyze the inherent and residual risks in each process.
What can be filtered?
The date
Review the risks of each process at one month, three months, six months, one year or by an exact date.
The category
Click on the "All macro processes" bar and select whether you want to view it by macro process, process or sub-process.
How to view the details of the risk profile by process?
If you want to review the details of this report click on the "View details" button, here you can view the process and the risk associated with it.
How to download the risk profile report by process?
As in the previous reports, click on the "Download" button, there you can select the format in which you want it (PDF, PNG or XLSX).
Control robustness
Here you will have the report of the total number of controls that have been created in the platform. This will allow you to see the total number of controls and what range of robustness they have.
What can be filtered?
The date
Check the controls at one month, three months, six months, one year or by an exact date.
The range
You will be able to view a particular control range by unchecking those you do not want to see.
How to see the details of the strength of the control?
If you want to see the detail of a particular range, just click on that range within the chart and you will see the controls it has. On the other hand, if you want to see all the controls click on the "View detail" button.
How to download the risk profile report by process?
You can download the report in PDF, PNG or XLSX format by clicking on the "Download" button.