How does the remediation plans section work?

In Pirani's audit system you will be able to carry out the remediation stage in order to correct or adjust the audit findings.

After performing the audit plan and obtaining findings, the auditor sends the plan to remediation so that the auditee has the opportunity to correct or adjust what the auditor suggests, in this way the auditee creates remediation plans with different activities that allow to properly manage the findings.

→ Available in the audit system.

How to create remediation plans?

To make the remediation plan you must enter the remediation plan section and click on the "Create remediation plan" button, there you will find a board with mandatory and optional information that will help you to complement the plan.

General remediation plan information:
Name: Give it a name that will allow you to identify it in the future.
Description: Write a description to guide the remediation process.
Start and end date: Indicate the time taking into account the final remediation date given by the auditor.
Responsible: Assign a person responsible for carrying out the remediation plan.

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Activity plan
To create the activity plan click on the activity plan option on the left side and then click on the "Add activity" button, here you must fill in the following fields for each activity created:

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Name the activity, assign a specific person responsible for carrying out the activity and click the "Add" button. 

Then click on the previously created activity and assign a due date for the activity, you can also attach files and add comments about the activity process.

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How to associate processes to the remediation plan?

To associate the processes click on the processes option on the left side, then click on the associate button and then click on the "+" icon of the process you want to link to the remediation plan.

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How to associate findings to the remediation plan?

To associate the findings previously created in the audit plan click on the "Findings" option on the left side, then click on the associate button and then click on the "+" icon of the findings you want to link to the remediation plan.

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In the selection process you will be able to check if the finding has already been remediated or not.

How to associate remediation plan executors?

To associate the executors in charge of this remediation plan, click on the executors option on the left side, then click on the "Associate" button and then click on the "+" icon of the person you are going to designate as executor of the plan.

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How to manage the remediation plans assigned to me?

To manage the remediation plans or activities assigned to you, go to the remediation plans section and then to the "My management" option, there you will find your plans and activities. 

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Create now your remediation plans in Pirani.