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How does risk identification work with Chat GPT?

Now in Pirani you will be able to identify risks more accurately and efficiently thanks to the new integration with one of the most advanced natural language models on the market, Chat GPT.

In Pirani we have a new integration with Chat GPT, which allows Pirani users to identify risks more accurately and efficiently according to the industry they are in. This is of great advantage for all those companies that are starting out in risk management and have to face the "blank sheet", as it gives them an idea of the possible risks that may present depending on the management system, industry and process. 

→ Remember that this functionality is available for all management systems.

How to identify risks with Chat GPT?

To identify risks with Chat GPT you should go to the risk section of the stakeholder management system and click on the "Create risk" button. There you will find the usual risk creation window where you should enter the general risk information. But now with Chat GPT you will find an additional option "Suggest risk" next to the risk name. 

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Click on the "Suggest risk" option, there you will see a window with a checkbox for industry and another one for process, you must choose the industry of your interest and optionally the process.

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It is ideal that you indicate to the search engine the process of your interest so that the tool can suggest more precise processes.

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After choosing the industry and process of interest, click the "Suggest" button.
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Now the tool will show you some risk options based on the management system you are in, the industry and the process you chose. To select any of the options effectively click on the option of interest.
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After choosing the risk option, you will be able to edit the name according to the context of the organization. 
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In addition to creating risks, the identification of risks with Chat GPT can also be found in the edition of already created risks to identify a more precise name, which allows a more efficient management. 
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