How to configure Active Directory?

If you have an organization on Pirani and configured SSO authentication for your company, your team will now be able to easily and securely log into Pirani with single sign-on using their SSO credentials.

essential that the organization is registered in Pirani by google login or username and password, as SSO is a secure authentication process and not an account creation process. 
Note that we use SAML 2.0 protocol for this integration. 

→ Remember that this functionality will be available in the Pro plan ⚡.

How to parameterize the SSO login?

First you must log in to pirani with the organization account previously created, then go to the top bar and click on the down arrow on the right side of the organization name and ID. A box will appear, click on the "organization" option.

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Inside the organization section you will find on the right side some options to manage your organization, go to the bottom of the options and click on "system settings".

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In the system settings section you will find a list of options on the left side, click on "SSO authentication" and here you will find everything you need to perform the parameterization with SSO. To fill out the form you must click on "edit settings" and note that we use the SAML 2.0 protocol for this integration.

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You will also find the necessary tool information to perform the protocol with the identity provider.

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It is necessary to assign a default role as this will be assigned to the person who will enter the first SSO authentication.

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How to login to Pirani with SSO?

After performing the SSO parameterization of your organization in Pirani and in your authenticator, your team will be able to log in by single sign-on with the corporate email and the organization's ID.

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To login by SSO, first the user must be registered in Pirani by google or by email and password, with the email that performs this registration will be the same with which you must perform the SSO login.

You must also know the organization ID, as this will allow the tool to relate the user to the existing organization.
After logging in for the first time by SSO, you should always log in by this method.