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API for Pirani integration

Now, through API integration, you can report AML events and transactional records from other systems of records in Pirani.

Now, in Pirani, we have the API integration functionality that will facilitate the import of records from other event reporting systems and the registration of transactional records. 

API for events: In addition to the existing event registration methods, internal and external, our new API integration opens up a world of possibilities. You can now create events in other systems and seamlessly register them in Pirani's event module. Plus, you have the freedom to assign roles that can access this functionality.

→ Functionality is available for management systems (ORM, ISMS, and Compliance) in the Enterprise plan. 

API for AML: With the integration for AML (Anti-Money Laundering), you will be able to create and update transactional records, i.e., customers, products, and transactions, that you have registered in your current systems from other registration systems.

→ Functionality available for AML and only in the Enterprise plan. 

How to integrate by API?

To integrate with the Pirani software, click on the dots at the top left next to the Pirani logo; a box will appear, where you must click on the "Manage Organization" section. 

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On the right side you will find several options to manage your organization, now click on the option "system settings".

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In this section you can find all the technical information to integrate the API:
Documentation, Support and Access token

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Documentation: To find the event documentation or AML, click on each button. The instructions for implementing the API and the list of errors, methods, and parameters for each will be displayed. (It is recommended that this be managed by a developer.)


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Support: In this section you will find a help center where we can help you if you have any questions about the integration process and the errors that the process may present.

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Access Token: Here you can generate your unique code to perform the integration securely and effectively.

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Event Integration via API

The Pirani API now allows the integration of dynamic fields in the creation of events. Previously, the API only supported sending basic fields, such as: 

Event name 
  • Description 
  • Indicator of whether it generates losses 
  • Location where it occurred 
  • Start date 
  • Date of discovery 

Customers can send additional custom fields from their external application or Pirani, allowing to integrate all relevant information without restrictions to the basic fields.

For which management systems does this upgrade apply?

This API upgrade is available for the following management systems:

  • ORM (Operational Risk Management)
  • Compliance
  • ISMS (Information Security Management)
  • Note: This functionality does not apply to the AML system.

How to do the API integration in events?

In the technical information section click on the “methods” button, now click again on “create event”.

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Create or verify the dynamic fields:

Make sure the dynamic fields you want to integrate are created. For example, you could have fields such as:

  • Event Completion Date
  • Risk Analyst Description
  • Economic Impact

If they do not exist, create them by assigning them a name, data type (text, number, date, etc.) and other necessary properties.

Preparation of the external application

In your external application, you must make sure that the data you want to send to Pirani is correctly structured. This includes both basic fields and dynamic fields.

Collect the information:

Make sure your external application has access to the data you wish to send, including:
  • Basic fields (name, description, location, dates, etc.).
  • Dynamic fields (the ones you set up in Pirani).

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Structure the data:

  • Organize the data in a format compatible with the Pirani API (e.g. JSON).
  • Make sure that the names of the dynamic fields match exactly those configured in Pirani.

API Configuration

This step should be performed by your organization's technical team, as it involves working with API code and parameters.

Get access to the API

  • Make sure you have the necessary credentials and permissions to use the Pirani API.

Configures the event creation request:

  • Uses the Create Event method of the API.
  • Include the basic and dynamic fields in the request. For example, in JSON format:

Sends the request

Use the corresponding API endpoint to send the request. Make sure that the request includes the necessary headers, such as the authentication token.

Validation and event creation

Once the request is sent, Pirani will process the information and perform the following actionsData validation

Data validation

Pirani will verify that the basic and dynamic fields are correctly structured and that the names of the dynamic fields match those configured in the platform.

If there are errors (e.g. a dynamic field does not exist or is incorrectly formatted), the API will return an error message with details for correction.

Event creation

If the information is valid, Pirani will create the event and store it in the platform.

The event will appear in the corresponding section (ORM, Compliance or ISMS) with all basic and dynamic fields integrated.

Verification in Pirani

After submitting the information, it is important to verify that the event has been created correctly.

Access the events section:

  • Within Pirani, go to the event section of the corresponding management system.
  • Search for the newly created event.

Check the fields

  • Make sure that all basic and dynamic fields are displayed correctly.
  • Verify that the information sent from your external application matches the information displayed in Pirani.

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