How does the Suspicious Transactions module work?

With Pirani you will be able to register unusual operations that may occur in your organization and make an investigation process to determine if it became a suspicious operation.

In this article we will tell you how you can create a suspicious transaction report from the tool.

→ Remember that this module is available from the Starter plan ⚡

How to create a suspicious transaction?

Go to the left side of the platform, click on the "Suspicious Transactions" module and click on the "Create Suspicious Transaction" button. In the pop-up window you will have two main sections: 

1. General Information 
In this section you will have to fill in the main data of the operation you will report:

Report name: what is the name of the operation.
Report detection means: you will get a list of options based on what the UIA indicates.
Transaction Value: determines the amount of the transaction being reported.
Currency: determines the currency of the amount being reported.
Transaction Type: selects whether the transaction is domestic or international.
Responsible: determines who will be responsible for this operation, as it is confidential information, in this module we will not have groups responsible for the records but only one person can be in charge of each suspicious operation.
Period analyzed: select the dates from and until when it will be analyzed.
Description of operation: detail what the report of this operation consists of.
Attach evidence: you will have the option to attach evidence that will help to strengthen the report.

2. People / Entities
In this section you can add the persons and entities that are involved in the operation. You can add them in two ways: 

Through the search engine: find the name of the entity or person by typing in the search engine in case it is already created.

Adding a person or entity: here you must fill in the following fields

Basic data:
Type of ID: select if it is an ID card, passport, etc.
Identification number
Full name: of the person or entity
E-mail address
Contact telephone number

Link or relationship data:
Type of link:
whether it is a client, counterparty or user.
Type of relationship:
if it is an associate or the main party involved.
Involved link:
determines if the link of the involved party is currently active and selects the linking date, in case it is not active, selects the link termination date.
Reported income:
determines the income being reported.
Reported income date:
select the date when the income was reported.
Economic activity code:
enter the code to determine what type of economic activity it is.

When adding persons or entities you will be able to perform the following actions:
Add comments:
through the dialog icon you will be able to add comments and attach documentation to help support it.
modify the record of the entity or person by clicking on the pencil icon.
if the person or entity is no longer in your registry, you can delete it by clicking on the trash can icon.
if you no longer wish to have that person or entity associated with you, you can disassociate it by clicking on the X icon.

Click "Save" and your suspicious operation will be registered in the tool. 

Remember that the visibility of the information in this module will depend on the role you have within the tool.

What can be filtered?

You will be able to filter your suspicious transactions by: 

Record date: when the suspicious operation was reported in the tool.
The type of operation: if it is unusual or suspicious.
Dynamic filters: where you can add new dynamic fields.

How to associate it to other modules?

You can associate the suspicious operation to processes, risks, controls and risk factors that you have within the tool.

Processes: Click on the add button and select those macro-processes, processes or sub-processes you wish to associate.
Risks: Type the name or code of the risk.
Control: Type the name or code of the control.
Risk Factors: Select the risk factor and segment you wish to associate.

Where can I see the history of Suspicious Transactions? 

🔍 Review the records you make in the Audit Log section. Go to "Organizations" and go to the "Audit Log" section, here you can filter by date, responsible, action and module. You can also download the information you need in xlsx format.