Would you like the latest update on the risk module in ORM, ISMS, AML, and Compliance?
Want to know the latest update on the risk module in ORM, ISMS, AML, and Compliance? Imagine making changes or adjustments to the risk module and having a complete history without losing sight of any details. At Pirani, we offer you the perfect functionality.
We explain how to update and visualize your risk registers. 🤓
1. Update the risk module
In the Pirani sidebar, locate the 'Risks' module. Then, select the risk you wish to modify. A table with the corresponding details will be displayed on the right side of the screen. To edit the information, click the 'pencil' icon and make the necessary changes.
2. Updating data in the risk module
To make everything more accessible, you can just enter the new information you want to add in this space. When you finish, click the 'Save changes' button.
3. Path to view the new changes
After updating or modifying the information in the risk module, you only need to go to the organization's administration section, click 'Security,' and then go to 'Organization Audit Log.' There, you can review the changes you have made and the previously recorded data, allowing you to keep precise and detailed control of all the modifications.
4. Visualization of the data entered.
In the “Audit Log” section, you will see all the modifications made in each field of the risk module. You can compare the previous information with the updated information, allowing you to keep a clear and detailed record of all changes.
Would you be ready to upgrade your risk module? Follow our step-by-step tutorial! Get started now.