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How do custom fields work?

With the field parameterization you can customize the information of the five risk management modules, editing and adding custom fields to the existing ones, so you can adapt them to the requirements of your organization.

How to access custom fields?

Now, in any of our four management systems you will find in the top bar of Pirani the "Parameterize" gear icon, when you click on it you will see two sections: Transversal and ORM, ISMS, AML or Compliance (depending on the management system you are in). 

Go to the Management System section and choose the "Fields" option. 

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How to add a custom field?

First you must choose the module in which you want to add the field, this can be Processes, Risks, Controls, Events or Action Plans. Afterwards, you will see the module's general information section and on the lower right side you will have two options: "Add" and "New division".

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When clicking on "Add" four options will appear to customize the new field:

Short text: in this field users will be able to write up to 150 characters.

Long text: this option allows users to type up to 1,500 characters.

Single selection menu: in this field users will be able to select one of the options.

Multiple selection menu: in this field you will be able to select more than one option.

Single selection menu: In this field you will only be able to select one option, but you have two spaces to write for each option, one for the option ID and one for the description. 

Multiple selection menu: In this field you will be able to select more than one option, but you have two spaces to write for each option, one for the option ID and one for the description.

Date: You will be able to select in the calendar or write the date to have a better visualization and make calculations, avoid errors and standardize the way of writing the date.

Numeric: You can write up to 15 digits and use "." to separate thousands and "," to separate decimals.

Important: in all of them you will be able to determine if the field will be mandatory by clicking on the icon on the upper left side.

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Bulk upload: For single and multiple choice fields you will be able to bulk add options to choose from. This function will only show 6 options in the main dashboard, but you can click on add more to view and edit all loaded options.

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You will also be able to write the options to choose in the Type and Category field, however this is still mandatory as well as its field type. 

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What to do if the field takes too much space in your form?

At the top right side you will have two options to modify the size of the field you are creating: 

Short field: the space will be divided, so you will have the possibility to create a new field next to it.
Long field: the original space will be kept.

How to view and save the field being created?

Before publishing the field you have created and it appears in the module form, you will be able to preview and save the progress you have made. By clicking on the "Preview" icon you will see how the field will look like and click on "Save" in order not to lose the progress.

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How to publish the field?

When you have the field(s) you want to add, you can click "Publish". Note that once you have published your new fields, you will not be able to go back to the previous settings of your forms. This means that if in the future you want your forms to go back to the default settings in Pirani, you must delete one by one the new fields you created before. 

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How to delete the created field? 

To delete the field you must click on the trash can. When you delete a field, all the information associated with that field in your risk, process, control, event and action plan records will also be deleted.

Note that deleting the division is an irreversible action.

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How to display the fields in the external event form?

Now in addition to adding custom fields for events, you will be able to choose which fields will be shown in the external events form.

To do this you must go to the events section within the dynamic fields module, there you will find on the right side the "add" button, click on it and a box will be displayed where you can create the field. 

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⚡ In addition within the dynamic field creation box you will find an option that will allow you to display the field in the external event form.

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