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How do coupons work?

Surely you have seen that when you create your account, in the payment plans section or when you finish your free trial there is a small section to enter a coupon... what is it? how does it work? here we explain it to you ;)

The users of our Free Trial have the option to access a coupon that will allow them to have an extra time in the tool without having to make a payment. In this article we answer any questions you may have about this topic.

Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-09 a la(s) 11.23.57 1

What are coupons?

They are 6-character codes whose function is to give the user an extra number of days in the tool without making a payment. These coupons are generated through some conditions that we will see below ↓

How can the coupon be accessed?

At the moment there are three ways to access a coupon: through conversations with a commercial advisor, if the user is a member of Colombia Fintech or by a meeting with Pirani's CEO to give him your feedback about the tool.

How long can a coupon be used?

Coupons have different effective dates, depending on whether it is for:
Conversations with a commercial advisor: in this case the duration of the coupon will depend on the agreement the commercial advisor has with the user.

Being a member of Colombia Fintech: the user will be able to access a coupon for an extra 60 days. 
Give feedback on the tool: if the user meets with Pirani's CEO to give him/her feedback, he/she will be given a coupon for an extra 30 days.

When can a coupon be redeemed?

A coupon can be redeemed when an account is being created or when the free trial runs out.