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How do notifications work? 🔔

The purpose of this section is to create alerts for the different modules and management systems that we have within Pirani, so you can always be forewarned of important activities that you should review in the tool.

Now all the notification functionalities can be found in the "Rules Engine" module. In this tutorial you can find all the updates of this transformation. 

→ Remember that this functionality will be available in the Pro plan.

How to access the notifications section?

To create the rules you must go to the top bar and click on the gear shape, there you will find the options to parameterize, click on the "Rules engine" card, then click on the "Create rule" button. Here you will be able to add, edit, and configure new email notifications.

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How to create a notification?

Click on the "Create rule" button.

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and then click on the "Notifications" button. You will get a form with 3 sections to build the general information of the alert:

→ General information:
Assign a name: So you can easily identify the alert.
Set a description: Describe what this notification will be about. 

→ Configure the alert:
Select which management system and module the alert will be in 2.
2. Determine what actions will trigger it (if someone creates, edits or deletes the register) 3.
⚠️ Important: In addition to the 3 actions that allow you to activate an alert, you will be able to enable a notification through recurrence or date change, this allows that with each day change the system can make validations against specific dates of the registers that are being assessed.

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3.  Create the alert conditions: Click on the "Create conditions" button and then click on "Add condition".

How to create a condition? 
Step 1.
Value: Choose the input value from the direct fields of the entity to be analyzed. 

Step 2.
Operator: Choose the type of comparison, the mathematical or logical operator with which the comparison will be made. In this option different options are shown depending on the type of value chosen in the previous step. 

For example, if the value chosen is list type, "Equal to" and "Different from" are displayed. But, if the value is date or numeric type you will find in the operator options such as "Greater than", "Less than", "Greater than or equal to", among others.

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Step 3. 
Compare with: Choose the value against which you want to compare the input value chosen in step 1. The options that appear in this step will depend on the field chosen in step 1. 
List type: If the value chosen in step 1 is a list type in this last step you will be able to choose a fixed value from the options of the chosen list. For example, if in step 1 you chose type person, in step 3 you will find the fixed value box and the options of natural or legal person.
Date type: If in step 1 the value chosen is date type, in step 3 the comparison options will be a fixed value of a selected date.

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Numeric type: If the value chosen in step 1 is numeric type in step 3 you can choose the value between fixed field, existing field, percentage of the value and additional percentage to the value. 
Fixed value: In this option the tool searches and compares the chosen values in the chosen risk factor. For example, this time it searches and compares all customers' revenues.
Finally in the preview, you will see a sentence that shows you the condition created for the rule. For example, in the following image you can see the following condition, a comparison where the customers have income equal to 30% of their liabilities.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-10-24 a la(s) 9.03.24 a. m.

→ Recipients:
They will be the ones to receive the alert being created. There are three types of recipients:

1. By mail: select the email of the person to whom the notification will arrive (you can only choose among the emails that are already part of the organization on the platform).

2. Groups: determines which group(s) in the company will be alerted. 

3. Person type field: choose the role that should be notified (creator, responsible, executor, etc.).

→ Content:
Here you will create the message that will contain the alert, it is divided by the subject and the body of the mail. 

You will be able to customize the body of the email with context variables with the "Add tags" button, making the information much more direct.

Here is an example: 

To finish creating the alert click on "Create".

How to activate or deactivate a notification?

In the same "Notification" section, go to the one you want to change and in the Status column you will be able to activate or deactivate it.

How to edit a notification?

In the list of notifications select the one you want to modify and click on "View more". All the notification data will appear, after applying the changes click on "Save changes" and that's it!

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How to delete a notification?

Go to the alert you want to delete and click on the trash can icon. Remember that when you delete the notification its configuration and sending will disappear, if you are sure, click on "Delete".

⚡ Audit log

Review the records of all the alerts you create in the Audit Log section. Go to "Organizations" and go to the "Audit Log" section, here you can filter by date, responsible, action, module or system. You can also download the information you need in xlsx format.